Marketing Made Easy

Understanding Your Visibility Journey

What does it take to go from Hidden In the Shadows to creating Star Attraction?

In this introductory Marketing Made Easy video series, Nicola Huelin, award-winning buiness coach and mentor, gives you a step by step introduction to the essentials of Marketing.

Six easy to follow modules, to discover the ingredients you need to build a strong Marketing platform to help you start and grow your business in the right way!

Nicola guides you through Your Marketing Map - a simple yet powerful one-page model:

By the end of the introductory video series, you will:

  • understand what needs to be in place to attract your ideal clients and build a consistant income
  • discover the simple steps to building a platform for Marketing your business with greater ease
  • identify the steps you need to take to begin your visibility journey and go from Hidden In The Shadows to Star Attraction in a way that feels right for you

Nicola has also included some simple yet powerful kickstart exerices, to help you get started...


50% Complete

Two Step

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