Bounce Back Resources
Mpower is bringing together the expertise and energy in our 2k strong community to give you as much free and additional support as possible at this challenging time - and ensure you, and your business, are in the best possible place to #bouncebackstronger
Join the communityMeltdown to Mama Mindfulness
with Fabienne Vailes (Guest expert)
About Fabienne...
Fabienne Vailes is a UK expert on emotional and mental well-being within the education sector, founder of Flourishing Education - helping both staff and students flourish and develop the mental agility and resilience to succeed both academically and in the workplace.
Fabienne served as Academic Advisor for the HEE Pearson Commission on the mental wellbeing of NHS staff and learners. Fabienne is also a qualified Master NLP Practitioner (JSNlp), professional coach, mindfulness teacher and is qualified in clinical and advanced hypnosis (UK Academy of Therapeutic Arts and Sciences) with a specialism in stress and anxiety. She is also a professional member of the Mindfulness Association.

Fabienne's additional resources:
Her two books I referred to in the video:
The Flourishing Student – Every Tutors’ Guide to Promoting Mental Health, Well-being and Resilience in HE.
How to Grow a Grown Up, co-written with Dr Dominique Thompson, Fabienne has created an innovative ‘Flourishing Student Model, partly developed whilst she was a fellow of the Bristol Institute for Learning and Teaching (BILT) at the University of Bristol.
Guided audio sessions...

2-minute guided breathing & listening
Download this bonus audio
(Fabienne asks that you excuse the audio quality, as this is just something she's made available on the spur of the moment)

Guided Audio - Breathing Meditation
Download this bonus audio
(Fabienne asks that you excuse the audio quality, as this is just something she's made available on the spur of the moment)

Guided Audio - 7-mins Mindful breathing
Download this bonus audio
(Fabienne asks that you excuse the audio quality, as this is just something she's made available on the spur of the moment)
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