Your Marketing Map

Understanding Your Visibility Journey

From Hidden In the Shadows to Star Attraction

In this 25 minute audio, Nicola Huelin introduces you to the essentials of Marketing and guides you through Your Marketing Map - a simple yet powerful one-page model which will help you to:

  • understand what needs to be in place to attract your ideal clients and build a consistant income
  • discover the simple steps to building a platform for Marketing your business with greater ease
  • identify the steps you need to take to begin your visibility journey and go from Hidden In The Shadows to Star Attraction in a way that feels right for you

Your Marketing Map and this introductory audio are taken from the Mpower Marketing Made Easy programme, we hope you find this kickstart overview both useful and insightful - let's get started...

Your Marketing Map Audio (copy of Map included below)

Your Marketing Map Image - you can also download a FREE printable version  (handy for making notes as you listen to the audio)


50% Complete

Two Step

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