Ready to build your dream business?
this FREE kickstart consultation could be just what you're looking for...
If you're serious about building a successful business and great family lifestyle -- you are ready to put in the effort but don’t want stress or overwhelm -- then I would like to offer you a
FREE 60-min Kickstart consultation to help start, grow or scale your business,
I will work with you for 60-minutes via zoom to...

Create a sense of clarity about the business success and lifestyle you want to create

Boost your confidence as you uncover the barriers and obstacles holding you back

Identify the most powerful actions you can take next to move forward with ease

You might be wondering why I'm offering you this 60 minute consultation for free...
Because I am REALLY passionate about empowering women.
I have TWO important aims during our time together:
- Firstly to give you as much value as I can.
- Secondly, to leave you in a really good place - I never like to make the assumption that this session will lead to more time together.
This is not a sales pitch.
This is a genuine offer for me to help you one-to-one.
There is always a win/win -- even if you don't need my particular expertise and support moving forward - I will have had the pleasure of helping you, and once you've experienced the value and know my expertise and how I help - you might send people my way in the future.
If during our session we see there is a really good match between any further help and support you might need going forward and my expertise and the work I love to do, then I will take 5 minutes at the end of this session to briefly describe where I see this match and answer any questions you have.
You see, I only offer my one-to-one support and programmes to people I've spent time getting to know in my kickstart sessions, and only if there is a great match. These kickstart sessions give you great value, and help me to really get to know your needs and see if there is a good match and if I'm the right person to help you.
Book your FREE Kickstart ConsultationB O O K Â T O D A Y
Schedule your complimentary kickstart session today…
Answering some of your potential questions if you're looking for a 1:1 business coach and mentor...

What if I don’t have a clear vision or plan yet?
My support is designed to help you get absolute clarity on your vision and goals. Right down to your target market and niche so you know the ideal clients you’re meant to serve and how to communicate the core marketing messages which will engage them and inspire them to take action.

What if I’m too busy?
One of the most important things to know is that working with me is going to SAVE YOU TIME by giving you the quickest proven path to results AND balance. No more wasting time and money trying to learn stuff you’re never going to need or that doesn’t work – it’s COSTING you far more in lost potential income to try to grow your business without support.
All of my support options are totally personnalised, so help is tailored to suit your time schedule. This is not a group programme; there’s no group agenda which dictates when and how things need to be done and how quickly. You set the pace, you choose the dates and times.

What if I can’t afford it?
I can guarantee you my support is more affordable than you think. But if you’re thinking that even the most affordable option is probably out of your reach, then you’re probably not ready to work with a mentor or coach that will bring these sorts of solutions, transformation and results.

What if I’m not good with technology?
You’re not alone, lots of my clients are new to the world of technology and social media!
You need to know the basic purpose of certain online tools and programmes, but it doesn’t mean you have to understand or do anything too technical yourself. None of this is ‘rocket science’, it’s simply about understanding what to do, and what not to do, at the right time and in the right way…step by step.

Can’t I just figure this out on my own?
Some people imagine they can just sift through all the books and free resources and figure it out by themselves rather than invest in expert and experienced support.
You’ve heard of “trying to re-invent the wheel”, well this is the same thing - it limits your chances of creating the business success you really want, without all the stress, confusion and overwhelm.
I don’t want you to have to go off and do business degree or MBA (I’ve done that bit for you), or spend the next 5-10 years figuring out what it REALLY takes to make all the theory work in PRACTICE.
Whether you choose to work with me or someone else, don’t go it alone, the single most important piece of advice I can give you at this stage is to get mentoring and coaching support to get the essential foundations in place to launch, grow and sustian your business the right way - and the right for YOU.

Taking this step will not only allow you to create the business success you deserve, it will also make the journey easier and ensure you can also enjoy the journey every step of the way.
Think about the clients, income and time you’ll have when your business is up and running and working for you – how will you and your loved ones be enjoying your new success?
I invite you to say, “Yes!” from a place of offering yourself the success and impact you long for, the results you can bring about for your clients, and the difference this world is waiting for you to make.
Still have questions? Contact me and I’ll be happy to discuss any concerns queries or questions you have
Gayle Berry
UK Baby Massage Expert and founder of Blossom & Berry
âś© I NÂ T H E I RÂ W O R D S âś©
Praise for Nicola Huelin

Brenda Gabriel
Nicola is one of the kindest, genuine, supportive, loving people I have ever encountered. Not only this, she REALLY knows her stuff when it comes to business and making it work for you. I learned things from Nicola about business and strategy I hadn’t learned in 11 years.

Kath Curry
Benefit not only from her genuine support and interest but also from her razor-sharp business knowledge. She gives so much of herself to help because you can tell that she really wants you to do well. She regularly gives me more than I am expecting and I feel like she is my wing "woman". I feel blessed to be working with her and cannot recommend her highly enough as an amazing mentor. Thanks Nic for all your support. I'm not sure where I would be now without you!

Karolina Frydrych
I personally struggled with identifying my niche and clarity around messaging. Nicola helped me iterate on it until I understood who I wanted to serve, how, why, and how to communicate it to the world…