Bounce Back Resources

Mpower is bringing together the expertise and energy in our 2k strong community to give you as much free and additional support as possible at this challenging time - and ensure you, and your business, are in the best possible place to #bouncebackstronger

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Release worry, stress & anxiety

with Gem Kennedy (Guest expert)

This free session is part of the Mpower community's 30-day #makelemonadetogether initiative where our experts are donating their time, energy and resources to help as much as they can in this time of need.
Learning how to release worry, stress and anxiety is one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself, especially in these challenging times. If we don't process and release our emotions, they can be locked down into our bodies, draining our energy, depleting our immune system and causing us both physical and emotional pain. 
In this video Gem teaches you a simple EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), tapping tool to release worry, stress and negative energy from your body...


About Gem...

Gem Kennedy is a transformational coach, EFT and Matrix practitioner, activist and creator of the Queers & Co. podcast, zine and community. She is also queer, non-binary, fat positive, an intersectional feminist and mum two unschooled children.

She helps LGBTQ+ folks and allies to reclaim their personal power and take up space so that they can impact the world in ways they have only dreamt of.

For more info on Gem and her work, check out her website:


Video - How to release stress, anxiety & worry

Download a copy of Gem's FREE guide

Join us in the Mpower community where like-minded mums in business coming together daily to support each other as much as we can.