Bounce Back Resources
Mpower is bringing together the expertise and energy in our 2k strong community to give you as much free and additional support as possible at this challenging time - and ensure you, and your business, are in the best possible place to #bouncebackstronger
Join the communityTrauma and Triggers During the COVID-19 Outbreak
with Janine Wirth (Guest expert)
In this video Janine Wirth, licensed psychotherapist and trauma specialist, explains the different emotions people are experiencing right now and how their reactions are linked to unresolved trauma and previous painful life experiences.
About Janine...
Janine Wirth is on a mission to free women from the burden of unresolved trauma without spending years in therapy. As the CEO of Path to Healing Therapy and Coaching and the creator of the ground-breaking Pain to Purpose Academy, a 6 month experience combining therapy and coaching- Janine applies the same techniques that healed her own traumatic experiences to help women from around the globe overcome their painful pasts and create the lives and businesses of their dreams on their own terms.
Janine is a licensed psychotherapist, clinical hypnotherapist, heart-centred life coach and author of the monthly advice column Ask Janine for CEO magazine.
Her private online Facebook support group Heal &Transform Your Life provides a safe, non-judgemental space for women wanting a motivated, like-minded community.
She resides in Germany where she lives with her husband and three children.
Watch the Video - Trauma and Triggers During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Additional Resource from Janine - Beach Relaxation Hypnosis
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