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Join Nicola Huelin, Mpower founder and author of The Invisible Revolution for a podcast that gives heart-centred female entrepreneurs the inspiration, business insights and practical advice to build a business you love AND enjoy family life with the ones you love most.
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Episode 3 - How a govenment hacked my startup company and how I survived with Colleen Wong
There is always more than meets the eye when it comes to headlines in the national media. Discover how Colleen took 3 years to learn about cyber security in order to save her brand and clear her name. This determined Tech company founder shares how events tough enough to crush any startup actually fuelled her own ‘Erin Brockovich’ story. Years later she was invited to speak as a world-wide expert for the very thing she was once attacked about. Join us, as Colleen Wong, creator of My Gator Watch, shares happened and what helped her to keep going and ultimately bounce back.

What we cover
- Keeping customers during Covid
- Being hacked by a government body in Colleen's 2nd year of business
- Learning all about Cyber security
- How being let down by her first accountant led to a 3 year court battle
- Making time for other people in business
Mentionned in the episode
- 65 Roses and a Trunki: Defying the Odds in life and Business. By Rob Law
- Cyber security speech
- Erin Brokovitch LinkIn story -
More about Colleen
Colleen started Techsixtyfour in her kitchen when her children were 18 months and 4 months old. Her first product, My Gator Watch, is now the UK's highest rated children's wearable phone and tracker. Colleen and her team are now working on a wearable for the ageing and dementia market which empowers them to live independently whilst giving their family peace of mind. Colleen has a team made up of entirely flexible working mums and dads. Colleen is a Sky Women in Tech Scholar and Techsixtyfour has been selected by the Mayor of London's Techinvest programme as one of the top 10 5G & IoT companies in London in 2020.
Contact Details:
Personal Twitter : @startupmummy
In collaboration with...

When I met Ashley, the CEO of the insurance company Bounce, and Rachel Brookes, the Network Development Manager, it was clear from the start that Bounce and Mpower share similar values around empowering others (particularly mothers) and creating opportunities to flexibly combine earning a great living with motherhood.
Bounce not only proivdes people with the right insurance products to potect their families, health and business they are also hugely passionate about providing flexible opportunities for mums to earn additional income.
With zero risk and zero investment, Bounce empowers mums in business to make a difference to the lives of others with their insurance services and enables them to transform their own lives through becoming part of a supportive and vibrant Bounce network and community and building a primary or additional source of income by becoming a Bounce referall partner.
So, I’m really excited to be bringing you this podcast series in collaboration with Bounce. I know how difficult it can be to earn a great living while your building your startup, particularly in those first few years. So the Bounce referral opportunity for a product which is all about essential peace of mind and protection could be a perfect business opportunity or compliment to your existing business. - you can find out more about creating an additional Bounce income by visiting the Bounce Nework website
FREE Bounce Back resources
Check out these free bounce back resources created by experts from within the Mpower community. All resources have been generously donated free of charge - masterclasses and mini-courses to help you, your family and your business at a time when we could all do with an extra bit of help.
Learn more